We are an historic neighborhood in New Orleans, part of which was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999. Founded in 1909 as a "streetcar suburb" within the city limits, Gentilly Terrace today boasts a variety of architectural styles common to the early 20th century but unique in Gentilly.
With a mix of California Bungalow, Arts-and-Crafts, and Spanish Hacienda styles, the ambiance in the Terrace makes for a refreshing departure from the denser parts of the city. Today, Gentilly Terrace & Gardens is bounded by Elysian Fields Avenue, Gentilly Boulevard, Peoples Avenue, and Filmore Avenue. Gentilly Terrace & Gardens is also within the city's Neighborhood Conservation District, with all proposed demolitions reviewed by the Neighborhood Conservation District Advisory Committee (NCDAC).
The Gentilly Terrace & Gardens Improvement Association has open meetings and invites all who have an interest in supporting our neighborhood and are willing to make positive contributions to the Association’s decisions and efforts. Our meetings are a resource for all of those who are concerned about Gentilly Terrace and Gardens. All may constructively participate in the efforts of the Association.
To vote on Association positions or to hold an Association office, a person must live in the neighborhood and pay dues. Membership in the GT&GIA is not limited to homeowners. Membership is tied to residency in the neighborhood, and that includes neighborhood businesses.
President: Alexander Fournet president@gentillyterrace.org
Vice-President: Victor Pizarro vicepresident@gentillyterrace.org
Secretary: Montreal Stamps secretary@gentillyterrace.org
Treasurer: Danny Falk treasurer@gentillyterrace.org
Copyright © 2021 Gentilly Terrace and Gardens Improvement Association - All Rights Reserved.